Cronstedtite is a complex iron silicate mineral belonging to the serpentine group of American Mineralogical Society · Mindat with locations · Webmineral
Orriaren azken aldaketa: 8 iraila 2020, 12:01. Testua Creative Commons Aitortu-PartekatuBerdin 3.0 lizentziari jarraituz erabil daiteke; baliteke beste klausularen batzuk ere aplikatu behar izatea.
Cronstedtite - Awesome specimen with old labels and numbers to match the specimen to labels. The face is covered with black, lustrous trigonal crystals with rounded triangular terminations and prismatic forms. Excellent old specimen. Sawed backside. Type Locality. . This and many more mineral specimens are available for sale at Dakota Matrix Minerals.
JIŘÍ HYBLER - Crystal structure of cronstedtite-6T2, a non-MDO polytype - European Journal of Mineralog; available online: 11. Cronstedtite - Brilliant, lustrous trigonal crystals of in prisms and discoidal crystals. . This and many more mineral specimens are available for sale at Dakota Matrix Minerals. 71.01.02c.07 Cronstedtite Fe2Fe(SiFe)O5(OH)4 P 3 1 m 3m : Strunz Class: 8 - MinDAT 9 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch) 10 - Online Mineral Museum 11 - QUT Mineral Atlas Cronstedtite - Black micro crystals in a 2mm group. Confirmed.
An introduction to the rock-forming minerals (pp. 498). Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, London. – The Mineral Database.
Name: Named by Josef Johann Steinmann in 1821 in honor of Axel Fredrik Cronstedt (1722-1765), Swedish chemist and mineralogist who discovered nickel, scheelite and coined the term zeolite. Cronstedt's mineralogical books revolutionized mineralogy and he is sometimes regarded as the father of modern mineralogy. IMA Status: Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1821. Locality: Pribram and Kuttenberg, Bohemia of Czechoslovakia.
71.01.02c.07 Cronstedtite Fe2Fe(SiFe)O5(OH)4 P 3 1 m 3m : Strunz Class: 09.ED.15 09 - SILICATES (Germanates) 09.E - Phyllosilicates's Discussion Groups Original Rockhounds Discussion Group Rockhounds Discussion Group on Yahoo Groups Mineral Discussion Forum from Fabre Minerals - also available in Español.
Name Origin: Named for Axel Fredrik Cronstedt (1722-1765), Swedish mineralogist and chemist.
Print or Cut-and-Paste your Fraipontite Specimen Label here :
English: Cronstedtite Locality: Herja Mine (Kisbánya), Baia Mare (Nagybánya), Maramures County, Romania (Locality at A rich crust covered with sharp, lustrous , fat crystals to 2-3 mm in size, makes this a very fine miniature of this classic rarity (a complex iron silicate with multiple oxidation states of iron in the same crystal).'s Discussion Groups Original Rockhounds Discussion Group Rockhounds Discussion Group on Yahoo Groups Mineral Discussion Forum from Fabre Minerals - also available in Español. Print or Cut-and-Paste your Antigorite Specimen Label here :
La cronstedtita és un mineral de la classe dels silicats que pertany al grup de la caolinita-serpentina.Va ser anomenada en honor de Axel Fredrik Cronstedt (1722-1765), químic i mineralogista suec que va descobrir el níquel, la scheelita i va establir el terme zeolita.. Característiques. La cronstedtita és un silicat de fórmula química (Fe 2 2+ Fe 3+)(Si,Fe 3+) 2 O 5 (OH) 4. cronstedtite cron"stedt*ite (krŏn"stĕt*īt), n.
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Photo added to “ Groupe crystals black Mindat 手册 Group of black crystals of cronstedtite-3T resting on siderite crystals. Cronstedtite was confirmed by PXRD, SXRD and EMPA-WDS.
Covid-19 has significantly affected our fundraising. is an outreach project of the Hudson Institute of Mineralogy, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.
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71.01.02c.07 Cronstedtite Fe2Fe(SiFe)O5(OH)4 P 3 1 m 3m : Strunz Class: 09.ED.15 09 - SILICATES (Germanates) 09.E - Phyllosilicates's Discussion Groups Original Rockhounds Discussion Group Rockhounds Discussion Group on Yahoo Groups Mineral Discussion Forum from Fabre Minerals - also available in Español.
Sep 13, 2016 - Cronstedtite, Fe++2Fe+++(SiFe+++)O5(OH)4 , Herja Mine, Chiuzbaia, Baia Mare, Maramureș Co., Romania. Collected from Herja mining area in the early '50s. Dark-brown crystals form an aggregate partially covered by Fe-oxides microcrystals. Specimen size: Cronstedtite-1M Cronstedtite-1T Cronstedtite-2H2 Cronstedtite-3T : Monoclinic : Trigonal : Hexagonal : m - Domatic: 3m - Ditrigonal Pyramidal: 6 - Pyramidal : Bm: P3 1m: P6 3 : Cm: P3 1m: P6 3 : a = 5.5033(3) Å, b = 9.5289(6) Å, c = 7.3328(5) Å β = 104.493(7)° a = 5.512(1) Å, c = 7.106(1) Å: a = 5.500(1) Å, c = 14.163(2) Å: a:b:c = 0.578 : 1 : 0.77: a:c = 1 : 1.289 Cronstedtite is not a common mineral but it is not extremely rare and Mindat lists 37 localities (2010).