Tethys Petroleum Limited Sabin Rossi Vice President Investor Relations Office: (416) 572-2065 (416) 572-2201 (FAX) Email: info@tethyspetroleum.com Website: www.tethyspetroleum.com. In Kazakhstan: PG Communications Ardak Akanov, Managing Director Office phone/fax: +7 701 272 8867 Cell: +7 701 711 5604 Email: development@pressclub.kz
This highly prolific oil and gas area is rapidly developing and Tethys believes that significant potential exists in both exploration and in discovered deposits. Tethys Petroleum Limited Sabin Rossi, - All Investor Queries Vice President Investor Relations Office: +1 416-941-1257 +1 416-947-0167 (FAX) Europe: Tethys Petroleum Limited
The shares are listed on NASDAQ Stockholm (TETY). 11,508 barrels of oil per day. Tethys Oil’s share of the production, before government take, from Blocks 3&4 onshore the Sultanate of Oman amounted in March 2021 to 356,736 barrels of oil, corresponding to 11,508 barrels of oil per day. Oil production in Oman is currently subject to production limitations under the OPEC+ agreement. Tethys Oil is a Swedish oil company with focus on onshore areas with known oil discoveries. The company’s core area is the Sultanate of Oman, where it holds interests in Blocks 3&4, Block 49, Block 56 and Block 58. INVESTOR RELATIONS.
Investor Relations. Financial Information. Publications. Stock Information.
2021-04-09 · TETHYS OIL. STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Norska Sparebank 1 Markets ser positivt på den nya utdelningspolicy som Tethys Oil fastställt i torsdags och höjer rekommendationen för oljebolaget till köp från neutral med uppskruvad riktkurs till 73 kronor (70), enligt en analys. Tethys Oil förklarar den nya utdelningspolicyn med att bolaget strävar
En investering i Sdiptech Swedencare Tethys Oil Volati Vostok Emerging Finance Platzer Fastigheter - noteringsprospekt - Investor Relations. TETHYS OIL AB Share Price - TETY Share Price Petrosibir Company Profile: Funding & Investors | PitchBook. IONIC Investor relations | Lundbergföretagen. Wifogs dotterbolag visar positivt resultat - Investor relations Investor att Trumps konton raderas: ”Ni har blod på era Köp Tethys Oil, DistIT, Wallenstam Årsredovisning 2018 - Investor relations; Direktavkastning toppas av Tethys Oil, där direktavkastningen ligger på 11,6 procent.
Tethys Oil presenteras av vd Magnus Nordin på Introduce Investor Days den 28:e maj 2019. För mer information om Introduce,
Ingenjörstjänster inom energi på Fortum, petroleumingenjörstjänster inom. Tanganyika Oil och Sinopec. Aktier Tethys Specialties: Investor relations, IPO, financial communication, corporate Investor Relations Manager. Tethys Oil. nov 2012 – mar 2014 1 år 5 månader.
create shareholder value by operating across the entire oil and gas
Tethys Oil offentliggör årsredovisningen för 2020, inklusive bolagsstyrningsrapport, samt hållbarhetsrapport för 2020. Rapporterna finns nu
Tethys Oil publishes its Annual Report for 2020, including Corporate Governance Report and Sustainability Report 2020. The reports are now
och Investor Relations på PA Resources. Ingenjörstjänster inom energi på Fortum, petroleumingenjörstjänster inom. Tanganyika Oil och Sinopec. Aktier Tethys
Specialties: Investor relations, IPO, financial communication, corporate Investor Relations Manager. Tethys Oil. nov 2012 – mar 2014 1 år 5 månader.
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För mer information om Introduce, Tethys Oil’s Annual Report and Sustainability Report 2020.
TETHYS OIL AB Share Price - TETY Share Price. L. E. Lundbergforetagen - Overview, News & Competitors . Investors Welcome to the Tethys Oil’s investor relations pages.
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Rapporterna finns nu Tethys Oil publishes its Annual Report for 2020, including Corporate Governance Report and Sustainability Report 2020. The reports are now och Investor Relations på PA Resources. Ingenjörstjänster inom energi på Fortum, petroleumingenjörstjänster inom. Tanganyika Oil och Sinopec. Aktier Tethys Specialties: Investor relations, IPO, financial communication, corporate Investor Relations Manager. Tethys Oil. nov 2012 – mar 2014 1 år 5 månader. Köp aktier i Tethys Oil - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank.