To the attention of job seekers and employers, who has joined in or would like to join into the Your First EURES job targeted job mobility scheme with Gi Group. After 18 months of representing this highly valuable and successful targeted job mobility scheme for young people, we arrived to the end date of our project, which is the 27th of September 2014.
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Eures är den europeiska portalen för rörlighet i arbetslivet. ○ Eures står för European employment services. ○ Information, rådgivning Your first Eures Job. Tillsammans med 1300 EURES kollegor kan vi ge information från varje unikt Your first EURES job aims to help young nationals in the 18-35 age bracket of Your first EURES job. Play. Button to share content. Button to embed this content on another site. Button to report this content.
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Citizens of EU countries can make use of the ‘Your first EURES job’ programme, designed to encourage European mobility. Through Your first EURES job you can receive information, job search, matching and recruitment assistance. You may also be eligible for financial support to attend an interview abroad, as well as to cover costs such as language training, recognition of qualifications or relocation to the destination country. Your first EURES job je nejnovější projekt Evropské unie, zaměřený na mladé uchazeče, kteří hledají práci nebo pracovní trénink v jiném členském státě Evropské unie (dále jen EU), Norsku či Islandu. Your first Eures Job offre anche benefit finanziari che hanno lo scopo di facilitare il giovane candidato nella sua ricerca, nel processo di selezione e di trasferimento in un altro paese. In particolare i benefit previsti per l’edizione 6.0 sono questi: Your first EURES job (YfEj ) aims to help young European workers find a job, an apprenticeship or a traineeship in a different EU country + Norway and Iceland, and to help European enterprises recruit young workers within a larger territory.
KONKURS W RAMACH PROJEKTU "YOUR FIRST EURES JOB"!! Konkurs skierowany jest do wszystkich byłych i obecnych uczestników projektu, którzy
Europeiska unionens funktionssätt (artikel 45). Ditt första Eures-jobb är ett Just nu pågår EU projektet Your first EURES job som syftar till att matcha unga arbetssökande med europeiska arbetsgivare som har svårt att 6.6 Implement the initiative "Your first EURES job". Last Update: 2017-04-06 Swedish. Ditt första Eures-jobb: dig att hitta arbetskraft utomlands !
Idag bor och arbetar Rekrytera i Europa - hitta kandidater utomlands Genom projektet Your first EURES job (Ditt första Eures-jobb), som drivs
Your first EURES Job is an EU job mobility arrangement, meaning that you can receive financial support regarding job interviews, language courses as well as travel and moving expenses. What is Your first EURES Job about? The arrangement makes it easier for jobseekers and employers to find qualified labour in the EU and EES countries.
Your first EURES job is open to young candidates and employers of the EU-28 countries, Norway and Iceland. Candidates must be nationals and legal residents in any of those countries. The scheme aims to help young people up to 35 years old to find a job, traineeship or apprenticeship in another Member State. Your first EURES Job is an EU job mobility arrangement, meaning that you can receive financial support regarding job interviews, language courses as well as travel and moving expenses. What is Your first EURES Job about? The arrangement makes it easier for jobseekers and employers to find qualified labour in the EU and EES countries.
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FIRST is the world's leading youth-serving nonprofit advancing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). FIRST has evolved into a global movement Your first EURES job è un servizio europeo per l'impiego e ha l'obiettivo di aiutare giovani, di età compresa tra i 18-35 anni di nazionalità di uno dei 28 Stati UE Den riktade mobilitetsinsatsen/Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) och Ditt första Eures-jobb/Your first EURES job (YfEj) är EU-mobilitetsprojekt som ska matcha The European Commission has published a report today evaluating Your first EURES job, a job mobility scheme to help young Europeans between 18 and 30 to Your first EURES job | 5 379 följare på LinkedIn. Your first EURES job (YfEj ) aims to help young European workers find a job or an apprenticeship in a different Your First EURES Job/Ditt första Eures-jobb! Eures-rådgivare Ann Dahlin informerar den 24 september kl. 13.00 på Arbetsförmedlingen i Helsingborg, lokal: Welcomes the 'Your first EURES job' initiative to promote professional mobility, which should be closely linked with the European Vacancy Monitor so that AB Företagsutveckling deltar i Arbetsförmedlingen Eures projekt TMS - Your First EURES Job. Syftet med projektet är att hjälpa arbetssökande att hitta jobb hos Your first EURES job är ett EU-program för att främja yrkesmässig rörlighet.
Genom projektet Your first EURES job (Ditt första Eures-jobb), som på då du söker jobb utomlands Country Career Guides URL: Eget företag
Your first EURES Job preparatory action. Your first EURES Job ran as a pilot between 2012 and mid-2015.
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2021-4-2 · Your first EURES job/TMS: Germany. EURES Germany offers support for employment contracts, apprenticeship and traineeship placements both in Germany specifically and in Europe in general. You can read further information at the project’s webpages if you are interested to enter the German labour market the European labour market in general
Du kan hämta information från EURES-portalen: eller. Your first eures job makes it easier dating sweden kalmar to move and work and to recruit young people in europe. I've been träffa tjejer i spekeröd very busy The network will gradually be expanded to include apprenticeships and traineeships (the 'Your First EURES Job' pilot project).