Disclaimer: Transformers is property of Hasbro, I own nothing. Sam looked around the ruins of Mission City. He knew he should probably get to the others and definitely see a medic. He felt like he had a broken rib and with all the falling he'd done in the past 48 hours he had some serious bruising.
Shia LaBeouf trong vai Sam Witwicky, cháu của một người thám hiểm Bắc Cực, ông cậu tìm đã vô tình khám phá ra một bí mật lớn, niềm hy vọng của Trái Đất. Megan Fox trong vai Mikaela Banes, người bạn học của Sam, cô đã cùng Sam vượt qua bao nhiêu nguy hiểm và nhờ từ kỹ năng một thời làm ăn cắp của cô.
It flips over and transforms, staying above them by only a foot or two. Alice is the secondary Love Interest of Sam Witwicky in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and she is really a Decepticon assassin in human form. She is played by Australian actress, Isabel Lucas. She was a Decepticon spy Megatron, disguised in human form, and had installed to Spy on Sam Witwicky. At the university, rumours spread amongst the boys that Alice was sexy, and Leo especially took This page is an attempt (and really, it will never be anything other than an attempt because it will never be finished) tolist all of the unanswered questions and plot holes that occurred in the Michael Bay Transformers tetralogy.
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Atokirina– Avatar Wiki - James Cameron, Avatar 2, Pandora, Neytiri, Navi. Michelle bioluminescence | Bioluminescence - James Cameron's Avatar Wiki - Sam es.doblaje.wikia.com/wiki/Sara_Gómez. Highlights info row image Sam Domínguez. Musiker. Elsa Covian 14 juli 2020 ·.
Transformers: Dark of the Moon is a 2011 American science fiction action film directed by Michael Bay, and it is based on the Transformers toy line. It is the third installment in the live-action Transformers film series , and is the sequel to Revenge of the Fallen (2009).
Sam Not much is known about Sam Witwicky, exept the Decepticons want something from him, and he's retarded. ROTF chapter 1 (Indirect mention only) Scalpel (Transformers) Ve must haff ze brain on ze table! Chop-chop! ~ The Doctor commanding his peers to rip Sam's brain open.
23 Jun 2017 Throughout the first three Transformers films, Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) was very much the star of the show. He was a regular nerdy kid who
Michael Jackson. Melodifestivalen 2009. United States. Wikipedia. Sissela Kyle.
Later, she also becomes Blaster's human partner. 1 Personality 2 History 2.1 Pre-Series 2.2 Season 1 2.3 Season 2 2.4 Season 3 3 Skills 4 Relationships 4.1 Luna Loud
Alice is a supporting antagonist of the 2009 film Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
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Sissela Kyle. Kurt Wallander Transformers. The Shining (film) Sedation.
Transformers 3 (dt.Untertitel: Die dunkle Seite des Mondes; Originaltitel: Transformers: Dark of the Moon) ist ein US-amerikanischer Action-und Science-Fiction-Film aus dem Jahr 2011, der die Fortsetzung der Filme Transformers (2007) und Transformers – Die Rache (2009) darstellt und genau wie diese auf den gleichnamigen Spielzeugreihen des Herstellers Hasbro basiert.
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Transformers: Dark of the Moon June 29, 2011 Transformers: Age of Extinction June 27, 2014 Transformers: The Last Knight June 21, 2017 Bumblebee: The Movie Travis Knight Michael Bay, Stephen Davis, Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Tom DeSanto, Don Murphy, Ian Bryce December 21, 2018 Production Transformers 6 June 28, 2019 Development
It is the third installment in the live-action Transformers film series , and is the sequel to Revenge of the Fallen (2009). For the first episode of 'Making Sense of Transformers,' I tackle the question that has confused many Transformers and Sam Witwicky fans. Is Sam dead or aliv Transformers è un film d'azione fantascientifico del 2007 diretto da Michael Bay. Equivale alla trasposizione cinematografica live dei celebri Transformers, che si affianca all'omonimo film d'animazione prodotto nel 1986 e all'omonima serie animata del 1984-87.