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General questions. Find answers to the most typical questions by going through our Frequently Asked Questions. Click here. Please note: points will automatically be transferred after 8 weeks.
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Some cookies are technically necessary for the website to function and are therefore always activated. We also use cookies to analyze your interest based on searches and other behavior during your visit on the website. Join SAS Technical Training Consultant Anna Rakers to find out how to access the SAS training resources that best suit your current needs as well as prepare for future career advancement. Best Practices in Migrating SAS® Code to Leverage CAS Knowing how to migrate SAS code to CAS is essential to capitalizing on the capabilities the environment SAS 2020. SAS AB, registration number 556606-8499, SE-195 87 Stockholm, Sweden Redirecting Redirecting What are you looking for?
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Some cookies are technically necessary for the website to function and are therefore always activated. We also use cookies to analyze your interest based on searches and other behavior during your visit on the website. Join SAS Technical Training Consultant Anna Rakers to find out how to access the SAS training resources that best suit your current needs as well as prepare for future career advancement. Best Practices in Migrating SAS® Code to Leverage CAS Knowing how to migrate SAS code to CAS is essential to capitalizing on the capabilities the environment SAS 2020. SAS AB, registration number 556606-8499, SE-195 87 Stockholm, Sweden Redirecting Redirecting What are you looking for?